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What are the causes of phobias?

Phobias can be caused by different things. What’s important is there are ways to help you fight these fears.

As with many matters of the mind, phobias rarely have a single cause whether they be temporary or chronic. The phobia may have stemmed from a particular trauma or event. (for example if you experiences a bumpy flight when you were younger and you now have a fear of flying) or you may have picked it up from someone else (for example if your mother screamed when she saw a spider, and you may have subconsciously learnt that this is the appropriate response).

Treat phobias using hypnotherapy

With our expertise, let’s help you put your phobia into perspective.

Regardless of the cause, phobias can be treated using hypnotherapy. The process involves putting you into a very relaxed hypnotic state. I will talk you through this process and you will be in control the whole time.

Being able to face your fear either using your imagination or experiencing it firsthand whilst remaining calm and in control is empowering and helps you to put the phobia into perspective. As an experienced hypnotherapist I will never spring surprises on you, and I will work gradually with you to build your confidence and resilience.

Phobias work on a subconscious level. This means that no matter how much we tell ourselves that XYZ isn’t life-threatening, our minds and bodies still react with fear. The aim of hypnotherapy is to communicate with the subconscious and change the way you feel and behave towards your phobia.

The number of sessions this will take will differ from person to person and will depend on the severity of the phobia. Some people feel more able to cope after a single session, while others need ongoing reinforcement.

Many hypnotherapists will also recommend self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques so you can continue the work you’ve done and manage your anxiety in the long-term.

Weight Loss

Have you found it difficult to lose those extra pounds? The Virtual Gastric Band program may be your answer.

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Stress & Anxiety

Feeling consistently stressed and anxious? Hypnosis gives you the life skills and strategies to create calm in your life.

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Ready to face your fears? Regardless of the cause, phobias can be effectively treated using hypnotherapy.

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Hypnotherapy for insomnia can tackle any potential causes while helping you relax and drop off to sleep.

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Stop Smoking Forever

We promote an achievable program to help you stop your smoking habit. Preparing the mind to accept these changes is crucial in breaking this frustrating and expensive cycle.

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Sporting Excellence

Mental training for the sporting elite is the norm rather than the exception. Acceptance of sports psychology is now changing as many world champions are proponents of sports hypnosis.

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We offer services to self-managed & other NDIS participants